
美国EMS Xite-GR荧光观察手电筒

发布时间:2022-08-16 13:09:04,浏览1498 次

美国EMS Xite-GR  Xite-RB荧光观察手电筒

(EMS Xite Fluorescence Flashlight System) 


美国EMS Xite荧光观察手电筒

美国EMS XITE-GR荧光观察手电筒手电筒的参数:

Dimensions 长13cm,直径3.2cm
Battery Type 锂电池
重量(含电池 255g

 美国EMS xite 荧光观察手电筒订购信息:

货号 产品描述 规格
Xite-UV Ultraviolet (360 - 380nm) excitation
Xite-VI Violet (400 - 415nm) excitation
Xite-RB Royal Blue (440 - 460nm) excitation with longpass filter glasses
Xite-RB-GO Royal Blue with green-only bandpass filter glasses
Xite-CY Cyan (490 - 515nm) excitation
Xite-GR Green (510 - 540nm) excitation



除紫外线 (UV) 以外的任何波长 

Xite -VI  – 紫色 (400 – 415nm) 激发

Xite-RB – 皇家蓝 (440 – 460nm) 激发,带长通滤光片

Xite-RB-GO – 宝蓝色,带仅绿色带通滤光镜

Xite-CY  – 青色 (490 – 515nm) 激发

Xite-GR  – 绿色 (510 – 540nm) 激发

Xite-UV – 紫外线 (360 – 380nm) 激发


FG-UV – 415nm 长通

FG-VI – 450nm 长通

FG-RB-2 – 500nm 长通

FG-RB -GO – 500 – 560nm 带通

FG-CY – 550nm 长通

FG-GR – 600nm 长通

美国EMS xite 荧光观察手电筒系统都包含:





电池充电器和 USB 充电线




美国Electron Microscopy Sciences公司:

2022年7月,美国Electron Microscopy Sciences很高兴地宣布收购美国NIGHTSEA公司,美国NIGHTSEA是一家经过验证的荧光观察的经济解决方案,提供便携式荧光光源和对应的荧光滤光片 - 美国NIGHTSEA用于从宏观到微观的荧光观察和成像。Electron Microscopy Sciences(EMS)一直是NIGHTSEA系列实验室产品的主要分销商。

自 25 年前成立以来,Electron Microscopy Sciences(以下简称 EMS)专注于为电子显微镜、光学显微镜和组织学领域生产、制备和销售高品质的实验室化学药剂、显微镜耗材以及相关设备。EMS 产品品质出众、价格竞争力,并且工作勤勉尽责。在显微镜和组织学领域中,这些使得该公司作为一家制造商和销售商赢得了的名誉。

Stacie Kirsch 是公司的股东和总裁,她也是生物学显微镜、材料显微镜试样制备领域中的专家。此外,她亦在 Microbeam Analysis Society(微光束分析社团)的委员会中供职。目前,EMS 已成为了多家显微镜社团和组织学社团的赞助会员。这些社团包括 Microscopy Society of America(美国显微镜社团)、Microscopy Society of Canada(加拿大显微镜社团)、Israel Society of Microscopy(以色列显微镜社团)以及 European Microscopy Society(欧洲显微镜社团)。



在制备组织学和组织切片时,该工作将涉及能够制备优质切片的高精度振动切片机、组织浴槽、漩涡混合器、旋转仪、柱塞式冷冻机、冷冻制备附件、钻石刀,以及用于组织固定、包埋、切片、染色和分析的耗材。 针对电子显微镜和组织学处理,EMS 的 LYNX II 型自动批量组织处理系统可与的塑料固化剂和固体石蜡共同使用。  

美国EMS公司的电子显微镜产品系列门类丰富,该系列涉及钨丝、Lab6 和 CeB6 阴极管、载网、氮化硅酮薄膜、粘合剂、安装支架以及电子扫描显微镜的冷冻制备系统、试样覆膜机、碳蒸发器、冷冻干燥器和临界点干燥器。此外,公司还提供一些常用的实验室耗材,如:超声波清洗器、镊子、加热板、试样标签等。

EMS Xite Fluorescence Flashlight System

View fluorescence in the lab or the field! The Xite™ Fluorescence Flashlight System includes single-wavelength fluorescence excitation flashlights available with any of the five wavelengths in the NIGHTSEA line, paired with matching barrier filter glasses for maximum viewing contrast. Genotyping your transgenic organisms, screening cell cultures, inspecting parts with fluorescent penetrants, finding fluorescing critters in the field, … the Xite line provides what you need.

Xite flashlights – 5 excitation wavelengths

Xite-RB and glasses with a fluorescent mineral

Tightly focused for a high intensity illumination spot

Two power levels, plus unique flashing mode and battery status indication

Add-on diffuser for a broader, smoother beam

Each light paired with matching barrier filter glasses

Compact and lightweight

Rechargeable high capacity lithium ion battery

Included with each system

Fluorescence excitation flashlight (your choice of one wavelength) with lanyard

Matching barrier filter glasses with microfiber case for storage and cleaning

Diffuser cap

High capacity lithium ion battery

Battery charger and USB charging cord

Instruction sheet

Padded foam shipping/carry/storage case

Order the Xite flashlight packages on the Electron Microscopy Sciences (EMS) web site.


Add-on 15° diffuser cap provides a wider, softer beam

Xite light with push-on diffuser

Xite illumination spot, no diffuser

Xite illumination spot, with diffuser

Flashing mode for enhanced detection in ambient light

As bright as fluorescence may appear when you use an intense light source to view it in conditions of darkness, in most cases it actually tends to be a relatively weak effect that is easily masked by other light. If you try to find fluorescence when there is moderate ambient light (room light, sunlight, …), any fluorescing subject will respond to the excitation, but the response may be too weak to notice easily.

But there’s a trick – by making the excitation light source blink repetitively (a strobe effect), any fluorescence will blink at the same rate, while the illuminated background will not. This flickering increases the apparent contrast and thus increases detectability.

Available wavelengths

Wavelength sets are named and color coded for the color of the excitation light, not the color of the emitted fluorescence.

Designation Excitation Barrier Filter Glasses
xite-UV– Ultraviolet 360 – 380nm 415nm longpass
xite-VI– Violet 400 – 415nm 450nm longpass
xite-RB– Royal Blue 440 – 460nm 500nm longpass
xite-RB-GO– Royal Blue, Green Only 440 – 460nm 500 – 560nm bandpass
xite-CY– Cyan 490 – 515nm 550nm longpass
xite-GR– Green 510 – 540nm 600nm longpass

With the Royal Blue (RB) excitation we offer two options for filter glasses – longpass and bandpass. Read our article on selecting the right passband option for your application.

Camera filter recommendations

If you want to use the Xite as a light source for fluorescence photography, we have prepared recommendations for compatible off-the-shelf camera filters.

Flashlight specifications

Dimensions – 13.5 cm long x 3.2 cm diameter (5.3 in x 1.26 in)

Weight – 255g (9.0 oz) with battery

Note – the Xite flashlights are not suitable for underwater use

Part numbers and pricing

Wavelength sets are named and color coded for the color of the excitation light, not the color of the emitted fluorescence. Read more …

$395.00 for any wavelength except Ultraviolet (UV) 

Xite-VI – Violet (400 – 415nm) excitation

Xite-RB – Royal Blue (440 – 460nm) excitation with longpass filter glasses

Xite-RB-GO – Royal Blue with green-only bandpass filter glasses

Xite-CY – Cyan (490 – 515nm) excitation

Xite-GR – Green (510 – 540nm) excitation

$545.00 for Ultraviolet

Xite-UV – Ultraviolet (360 – 380nm) excitation

Extra barrier filter glasses – all $90.00

FG-UV – 415nm longpass

FG-VI – 450nm longpass

FG-RB-2 – 500nm longpass

FG-RB -GO – 500 – 560nm bandpass

FG-CY – 550nm longpass

FG-GR – 600nm longpass


标签: 荧光手电筒