

发布时间:2021-02-10 09:37:17,浏览2635 次


频闪仪是一种转动设备诊断检查工具,用于闪烁高强度光以在运动部件上产生定格效果。主要目的是测量电机或风扇在 300 转/分钟 (RPM) 或以上运行时的转速 (RPM)。人眼不会解释定格动画效果低于 300 转/分。要测量电机的转速 (RPM),频闪仪必须能够看到零件表面的完整 360° 旋转。零件应该有某种标记,可以用作旋转面上的参考点。通常,放置在风扇主轴或电机轴上的标签或点会起作用。假设频闪仪能够在产品的旋转速度范围内闪烁,称为闪光频率,您将调整频闪仪以通过停止运动使参考点可见。闪光频率以每分钟闪光数 (FPM) 为单位测量。 FPM 相当于 RPM。 4X 真实转速的 FPM 将产生 4 个参考点。 3X 的 FPM 产生 3,而 2X 只产生两个。通过从zui大设置向下调整闪光速率,参考点zui终将显示为单个可视对象。一旦您只看到一个固定参考点,频闪仪就会设置为产品的真实转速 (RPM)。为了确认,将闪光频率除以二。您仍将看到单个图像,但该图像会出现相位或沿相反方向缓慢旋转。


LUYOR-905频闪仪是一款手持式 LED 频闪仪。其紧凑的 4.9” X 2.8” X 1.3” 尺寸和内置锂电池操作使其非常便携。轻松旋转旋钮和准确的闪光速率和闪光相位调整。LUYOR-905闪速范围为 20 至 20,000 FPM。 LUYOR-905 LED 频闪仪中采用的创新微处理器设计和 LUXEON LED 技术为这款袖珍型频闪灯提供了在这个价位上理想的亮度和电池寿命。提供可选的三脚架。 LUYOR-905 可以直接从我们的网站 http://www.fzyq.cn/pinshanyi/LUYOR-905.html   订购(每件 4800元 – 现已上市)。 


RPM:Rotational per minute,rpm就是每分钟转动多少次。

转速(Rotational Speed或Rev)是做圆周运动的物体单位时间内沿圆周绕圆心转过的圈数(与频率不同)。

转速的标准单位为rps (转/秒)或 rpm (转/分),也有表示为RPM (转/分 ,主要为日本和欧洲采用,我国采用标准)。

FPM= flashes per minute,FPM就是每分钟闪烁次数,FPM相当于RPM.


What is a stroboscope and how to use one?

Stroboscopes are diagnostic inspection tools used to flash a high intensity light to create a stop motion effect on a moving part. The primary purpose is to measure the rotational speed (RPM) of a motor or fan when in operation at or above 300 revolutions per minute (RPM). The human eye won’t interpret a stop motion effect below 300 RPM.

To measure the rotational speed (RPM) of a motor, the stroboscope must be able to see the full 360° rotation of a face on the part. The part should have some sort of marking that can be used as a reference point on the rotational face. Often a label or dot placed on the spindle of a fan or shaft of a motor will work. Assuming the stroboscope is capable of flashing within the range of the rotational speed of the product, known as the flash rate, you will be to adjust the stroboscope to make the reference point visible through stop motion. The flash rate is measured in flashes per minute (FPM). FPM is the equivalent to RPM. A FPM of 4X the true rotational speed will produce 4 reference points. A FPM of 3X produces 3 and 2X only two. By adjusting the flash rate down from the maximum setting, the reference point will eventually appear as a single viewable object. Once you see just one stationary reference point, the stroboscope is set to the true rotational speed (RPM) of the product. To confirm, divide the flash rate in half. You will still see a single image but the image will appear to phase or spin slow in the opposite direction.

LUYOR-905 stroboscope is a hand-held LED stroboscope. Its compact 4.9” X 2.8” X 1.3” size and battery  operation makes it very portable. A six button membrane allows for easy and accurate flash rate and flash phase adjustments. The LabStrobe flash rate range is 20 to 20,000 FPM. The innovative microprocessor design and LUXEON LED technology incorporated into the LUYOR-905 LED Stroboscope provides this pocket sized strobe with unparalleled brightness and battery life at this price point. An optional tripod is available. LUYOR-905 can be ordered directly from our website at  http://www.fzyq.cn/pinshanyi/LUYOR-905.html     (RMB4800.00 ea. – available now).

标签: 频闪仪